
Professional, Honest and excellent service

We chose John Smith to sell our home after looking at 3 other agents. We certainly made the right choice. John was upfront and honest with us from the start, stating what they would do for us but also what we needed to do for her. Armed with this information and with John keeping us informed all the way, he was able to sell our home in 5 days for more than our original asking price. John's bright and bubbly personality contributed to our success.

- Justin Borelli - Coburg North

Felt comfortable with him and at ease

I met Peter today for a sale inspection and from the moment he said hello he was SO lovely and energetic. I immediately felt comfortable with him and at ease. He was well mannered and polite but also very relaxed/funny which made me feel like I was seeing the property with a friend! He was professional and really sold the property to me. Couldn’t recommend him enough and the team at Residence Real Estate enough.

- Vanda Jr - Toorak

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